Microprocessor-controlled SmartCell battery packs help provide
Matrix-UPS’ maximum datacenter security. If one battery should fail,
the self-diagnosing LED can indicate the failure of an individual
SmartCell. Because SmartCells are connected in parallel, the failed
battery can then be "hot-swapped" out, while the remaining
batteries keep the protected system up and running. Swapping batteries
out of your Matrix won’t happen very often. In fact, while other
brands’ UPSs may require two or three replacements, SmartCells might
need only one during the service life of the unit. These extraordinary
batteries last longer because they operate at room temperature.
SmartCells also can be added easily to provide as much runtime as your
application requires.
SmartCell™ XR
The SmartCell XR battery pack provides extended run applications with
an affordable, fault-tolerant, intelligent solution. It has all the
functionality of a SmartCell with four times the runtime! It is
microprocessor controlled and managed via Matrix’s front panel and
by PowerChute plus software. The innovative packaging of the
SmartCell XR allows it to be user installable and serviceable. The
SmartCell XR will save you money by keeping your service contracts to
a minimum and maximizing your runtime per dollar. It is ideal for
telecom equipment and datacenters requiring an abundance of runtime.
Hardwire kit
APC offers a hardwire kit to be used with the 120/208 Matrix-UPS
product. This hardwire kit replaces the standard back panel and allows
the Matrix to be wired directly into your service panel by a qualified
electrician. Output voltages of 120V, 208V, and 240V are available
using the hardwire kit.
Matrix-UPS Rack Shelf and Extender cables
The Matrix-UPS Rack Shelf fits into a standard 19" rack often
used to house high-power servers, or internetworking equipment. It
uses 10U (17.5"/44.5cm) of rack space, and will hold a Matrix PE,
SmartCell XR, or 1-4 SmartCells. Two brackets secure the Matrix,
preventing forward or backward motion. The Matrix Rack Shelf also
ships with a four foot extender power cable and six foot extender
communication cable to extend the distance between the Matrix PE and
the SmartCells. The cables are also available separately.
Matrix-UPS Casters
With Matrix’s modularity, individual components like the Isolation
Module, Electronics Module, and the SmartCell batteries can be easily
handled by untrained personnel. However, to make the complete package
easier to move, APC introduced Matrix Casters, a black metal cart with
locking wheels. Matrix Casters will house a Matrix PE (the Isolation
Module and the Electronics Module), a SmartCell XR or 1-4 SmartCells.
Power Distribution Units (PDUs)
APC has several optional PDUs for use with the Matrix-UPS to provide
greater flexibility of electical connections. There are eight
different PDU configurations that offer many receptacle
options to meet most needs.