Hot-swappable modules allow for user serviceability.
Service Made Easy
Because legacy UPSs are not modular, they require a special UPS technician for service. With only a handful of these proprietary technicians across the country and around the world, service contracts can add up to 50% to the cost of the UPS. Power Array™ serviceability makes maintenance simple because its components are modular and hot-swappable. With a Power Array, you can reduce service costs by servicing the unit yourself, by using your current computer room service provider, or by choosing an on-site service contract from APC. Because of its intelligence, Symmetra® RM is self-diagnosing and automatically gives early-warning problem notification. Because of its redundancy, the system remains up, running and protected during the entire service process. The Symmetra RM comes with a standard two-year warranty. To increase your coverage, you can choose from one of APC Global Service's many offerings.